24 March 2021

In an effort to suppress the transmission of COVID-19, many companies are implementing work from home. To make it easier for workers, many systems are already operating digitally and can be operated remotely. 

However, without realizing it, cyber-attacks and cases of data leaks are becoming more and more common. Seeing this, Protergo organized an activity attended by several companies and institutions to discuss how to protect themselves from future threats. Based on Protergo’s analysis, websites remain the main target for cyber-attacks and 80% of these threats are trojans, worms, and ransomware.

On March 2, Microsoft said there were vulnerabilities in its Exchange Server mail and calendar software for corporate and government data centers. At least 30.000 organizations became the victims. The EU body said personal data may have been accessed from its servers and it had pulled its entire email system offline while it assessed the damage.

To protect and prevent attacks from future threats, companies or organizations must meet several requirements. The main requirement is to establish a Security Operation Center (SOC by AlienVault) to monitor, detect, and block attacks. Then, perform annual system penetration and vulnerability scans every three months. The last, to support work from home through end-point security, anti data loss prevention, email, and cloud security.

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